Saturday, September 1, 2012

Mid Western Road Trip Part 1

The Felder family has been very busy the month of August. We have truly been taking advantage of this years beautiful summer. On Saturday August 25th we embarked on a trip across six states. We decided to visit friends and family along the way. Its
definitely been an awesome journey.
Our first stop was Columbus, Ohio where stayed overnight and met up with our old time friends The Johnson's. They used to live in Bristol and were our neighbors.
They have 3 great kids that got along great Jaden and Jae'Shaun.

Here are few pics from our adventures in Ohio.

We made sure to stop at some great eating spots and OSU. This campus is ginormous. The boys ( Ronald, Jaden and Shaun) really enjoyed themselves.
Me too. Lol.

Our next stop was Indianapolis, Indiana. This city is beautiful. I wish we had more time here. We visited canal and the Colts stadium. Very cool!!!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Welcome to the family Jaxx

It's been a while and I wanted to update you with our newest edition to the Castro-Felder clan
Meet Jaxxson Fidel Castro
Born October 27, 2011

3 days off.

So this definitely feels like a vacation. Working has really kicked my butt. But it feels so good to be home with my boys.
On Thursday January 12th was VZW 2012 kickoff in Atlantic City, NJ. Ron came down afterwards an we had a great time.

We spent Friday pretty much eating and sleeping. Awesomeness. I was exhausted by the time I got home.

Saturday me n J cleaned this place up. My VT came. She seems very nice. Can't wait to get to know her.

Sunday funday well Ron has been watching football, and I've been relaxing and laughing at J's sillyness.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

No words to describe how beautiful.....

On friday night Ron took me out to ready with some friends to one of our fave restaurants Vinny'Ts....we only get once a year cause its a little expensive and far. Well we go and its no longer Vinny'Ts...its called Buca. Family style italian. Very delicious. Well when I sat down Ron asked me to pass the pepper (which was odd) I look down and I see a black guess what was inside...
A solitaire princess cut diamond ring. Its our 7 year upgrade.... 5.5 years married.
He did such a good job. I love it!

Life with no smart smartphone

It's amazing how we can be Soooo dependanton our modern day gadgets. I had to let go of my Android device for a few weeks (felt like a century) and I was so miserable. How have I become so possessed by such a thing. This little electronic has surely changed my life. Now that I have it back its like I have my life sad is that? Lol

Friday, January 28, 2011

CHOP it up.

We are on our way to CHOP. For ask of you that dont know, its Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Jaden had to come here 2-3 times a year for evaluations, tests and check ups. Today will be a long day. He is on new medication and has to be evaluated to see if its working. He is such a good sport about it. I told him he can take the iPad. So he is So
Super exited. He also had an ekg scheduled.... Not sure what that consists of...but I'm sure they will just stick some stickers on him. He will be fine. Its really only when we have to go to our allergy testing that I get worried cause he freaks out. Will keep you posted.

So we are here patiently waiting...
They were having a hard time taking his blood pressure....iPad to the rescue. I started the nook app and had him read his book and presto.

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This is such a beautiful hospital...and the staff is always so nice.

Poor management

So this is my rant for the day.....our complex decided that they went going to plow the night before. I was 2 hours late for work yesterday. Here is my car suck in the snow. Just aggrevated me a little. Ron and some neighbors had to dig out my car and then push it. Hope you all out there had safe commutes. I witnessed about 7 accidents on the turnpike. Crazy.....