Sunday, March 6, 2011

No words to describe how beautiful.....

On friday night Ron took me out to ready with some friends to one of our fave restaurants Vinny'Ts....we only get once a year cause its a little expensive and far. Well we go and its no longer Vinny'Ts...its called Buca. Family style italian. Very delicious. Well when I sat down Ron asked me to pass the pepper (which was odd) I look down and I see a black guess what was inside...
A solitaire princess cut diamond ring. Its our 7 year upgrade.... 5.5 years married.
He did such a good job. I love it!

Life with no smart smartphone

It's amazing how we can be Soooo dependanton our modern day gadgets. I had to let go of my Android device for a few weeks (felt like a century) and I was so miserable. How have I become so possessed by such a thing. This little electronic has surely changed my life. Now that I have it back its like I have my life sad is that? Lol