Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let it Snow....AGAIN

So the weather lady said 5-9inches of snow...seems more to me like 5-9 feet. I have to be at work in an hour and i doesn't seem to me as if the have even begun to plow....Any hoot... Jaden is home and he is surely working everyone's nerves with his cute little demanding voice.

We only let him play his XBox360 on the weekends, but obviously we made an exception today. Seriously, if we stuck to our guns we would go crazy.

Okay so back to the snow...@ around 3am Ron decided to start shoveling me out. Good idea right? Well it would have been if the weather lady was right. I miss John Bolaris...he was always right. Fave weather guy of all time.

(SideBar) I actually plan on blogging this time. I don't plan to be a quitter. With my new job and our new place, I feel like i have no time. But I really need to do this. Its therapeutic!

Okay I am back. Jaden has now pressed his cold feet in my back, and I want to scream, but we are playing the quiet game and I don't want to lose. Its the only silence I will hear until I have to go to work and wait for a customer to show up. I wonder if he will get the hint that I am ignoring him so I can type about him...LOL... What's funny is that he can read now, so its hard to get away with somethings.

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